PTA Membership

How do I sign-up for Davis PTA membership?

While we love and encourage parent volunteers, however it is not required with your membership! Don’t have time to be at the school, but still want to help? Your talents can still be used in various other ways! We have more details on Volunteer Opportunities here. 

Questions can be emailed to our Membership Chair.

Davis PTA Student Membership

By joining the Davis PTA, our students are taking an active role in their education and learning to be leaders and have a voice in their very own school. This is a great way to help your student collaborate with other students and learn about the importance of advocacy. Each student member will receive several perks throughout the school year, with their $10 membership.

If that is not motivating enough to become a Texas PTA member, they offer several discounts and perks with hotels, rental cars and amusement parks. See the TX PTA website for more information.

What does the Davis PTA Do?

Money raised through PTA membership and fundraisers like our Apex Run, raffle, and Color Run, help us continue to bring educational and outside programs in for the students to enjoy, help put on fun in-school events like Field Day, provide popsicles and other treats on special days at school, and host fun family events like the Fall Carnival, Winter Wonderland Dance, Student Night Out Events and other activities throughout the year. The PTA has also helped benefit the school by donating various items to the school that benefits the teachers and students, teaching supplies/materials for our teachers, and purchasing playground equipment for our students to play on outside at recess! In previous years, we have purchased and built an Outdoor Learning Center, play equipment for the gym (goals, balls, etc), popcorn machine, FASE unit supplies, art supplies for Mr. Bray, backpacks and jackets for the staff and buses for a student movie day. Last year we were able to purchase the items below. 

Our 2023-2024 Membership Goal:

This year our goal is to reach 1,031 members by May 25th at our school! With this number of memberships, we will have enough individual voices for every student and staff member at Davis! The cost for Membership is only $10 per person! 

Who Do We Want?

Did you know that anyone from the age of birth up can become a member of the PTA? We encourage everyone to become active members of the PTA including parents, teachers, students, siblings, grandparents, aunts, uncles, cousins, community members, and friends! Whether you are a stay-at-home parent or a working parent, have little time or lots of time, we have something for you! There are so many different aspects of PTA including event planning, volunteer work, fine arts, advocacy, cultural awareness and diversity, networking, fundraising, construction projections, environmental, parent education, marketing, financial, student involvement, and scholarship and grants! As you can see, we incorporate so many different types of skills in our volunteer opportunities!

Do I Have to Volunteer if I Join PTA?

While we love and encourage parent volunteers, it is not required with your membership! Don’t have time to be at the school, but still want to help? We can still use your talents in various other ways! We have more details on Volunteer Opportunities here. 

Why is it important to join your school's PTA?


We love to make our campus a special, fun place for our students.

But most importantly, we want our public schools to be safe, successful, & appropriately funded.

Your membership is a VOICE for all our Texas students!

Each membership makes a huge difference, especially in a legislative year, like this year. When our Texas PTA President, Wylie's own Suzi Kennon, goes to the capital this month; Law Makers will be forced to listen & address our students' well-being & rights due to the sheer number of voices represented by your memberships!

Davis PTA's goal is to have EVERY SINGLE ONE of our STUDENTS represented with a VOICE!

For more information on Texas PTA legislation priorities: Public School Funding System, Vouchers, Teacher and Staff Shortage and Retention, Student Mental Health, and A-F Accountability System. Visit

Our Davis Intermediate PTA received an amazing award for membership for 2022-2023 and 2023-2024.... Platinum Voice for Every Child!  This award is one of Texas PTA’s most prestigious Membership Awards!! Thank you to all those parents, students and teachers who signed up for PTA this year. #Everymembercounts as we continue to make our voices heard and #backthefuture. 

TX PTA Mission

To make every child’s potential a reality by engaging and empowering families and communities to advocate for all children.