Teachers' Favorites Lists

Would you like to know more about the teachers at Davis Intermediate? We have collected a list of teachers and staff’s favorite things. Keep this in mind when gift-giving during the holidays, birthdays, teacher appreciation week, or anytime. At the bottom of the list, their Amazon Wish Lists are clickable. (your welcome ;-))

To view a Google Sheets Spreadsheet - Davis Favorites 23-24

To view or print a PDF by University or department - see below

At the bottom of the list, their Amazon Wish Lists are clickable. (your welcome ;-)) You'll see universities, SPED and FASE, front office, elective teachers, support staff and cafeteria team. Email Melanie with any questions.

teachers favorites 8-23.pdf

FOR TEACHERS and STAFF:  To add or change your favorites list, please fill out the form below. 


Alternatively, you can print the form and email or put it in the office PTA box. Email Melanie if you have any questions. 

Davis Teachers Favorites Form PDF.pdf