
Yearbooks are being printed now! They will be available for pickup May 20-23rd before school or during lunch. Davis PTA will have a table set-up in the front hall. To keep the line moving quickly, please let your student know if you pre-ordered a yearbook for them. We encourage students to bring their student ID or Chromebook to pick-up so we can verify their names. We have a few extra yearbooks available, please email us if you are interested. 

Yearbooks can be ordered throughout the year on the TreeRing Website. If asked, use the Davis school passcode 1015923310451143.

Orders must be received by April 19th to get the book printed and delivered the last week of school. Each books comes with 2 free custom pages you can design with your own photos and wording. You can pre-order anytime throughout the year and finalize your custom prior to April 19th.

Email Lori with any questions.

yearbook 23-24 november.pdf
yearbook 23-24 custom pages.pdf